The Pure Body Institute has been providing the public and health care professionals natural, herbal therapies for nearly three decades.
We started the internal cleansing phenomenon back in the early 1990’s and it became a raging success due to its simplicity, ease of use and astonishing effectiveness. It spawned an industry and is still going strong today,

Only Top Quality Supplements
Over the decades the Pure Body Institute has earned a stellar reputation amongst top tier health care professionals. Recommended by pioneering physicians, such as Doris Rapp, Sherry Rogers, Elson Haas, Ed Wagner, and many, more, and featured in scores of leading alternative health magazines and journals. After three decades, we know what we are doing.

Millions of Satisfied Customers
“ My bowels were stubborn. Sometimes only moving once every two or three days. Those days are over, and I love it! “
“These small herbal tablets loosen up, dissolve and wash away internal waste, leaving you feeling delightfully energetic and refreshed “. Natural Health Magazine.
“ Cleansing has become the rage here in SoHo. Recently, a very, very famous actress sent her bridesmaids in to get the cleanse, so they would all look radiant on her wedding day, The improvements in the texture of the skin, is remarkable“. Vogue Magazine.
“ Of all the products we tested, the most impressive is the Nature’s Pure Body Program, from the Pure Body Institute.“ Natural Health Magazine.

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“ The whites of my eyes are whiter, my skin is most, soft and young looking, and I no longer crave bad foods… And did I tell you that I’m happy! Somehow, getting purified lifted my mood. I’ve told everyone I know about you guys.”
“ Who knew I could feel like this again. I could not believe how much stuff came out of me. “
“ I had never done this before, and didn’t really believe it, but my wife convinced me to give it a try. I was feeling quite lethargic, and generally tired: now I keep up with my 25 year old sons, and feel like as young as they do.
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